Digital Marketing and eCommerce consulting agency | Supporting businesses in Paris Milan Athens Paros Zurich

Developing a Digital D2C strategy aligned to your needs:
UOTMETTERS, The eCommerce Agency

Work with our EU-based consulting agency to quickly reach sales growth on your eCommerce using owned data (aka CRM) instead of 3rd party cookies, defining your roadmap priorities and going international.
Uotmetters, focus on what really makes the difference for your business.

Digital sales growth

Grow faster and better with our expertise in Tourism, Beauty & Cosmetics, Fashion and Sport Goods.

International Experience

Uotmetters is a consulting agency run by Michele Matejka, helping businesses to develop their Digital channels, focusing on CRM and eCommerce. The clients are French, Greek, Italian, Swiss and German. The goal is revenue growth and optimization of costs.


Innovation is the key to grow on digital. We work with our clients to develop the know-how of their teams.


Heard anything about 3rd party cookies not anymore usable? Do you feel you’d like to have more data about your clients? CRM is the answer.


We organise 1-to-1 training sessions for senior profiles, as well as classes for teams. We also run Social Media Channels with weekly eComm Pills (short videos) talking about webmarketing topics, and a newsletter.


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Years of experience

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Marketplaces handled

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Languages covered

We work with data and produce results instead of long documents.

Because we have a long experience with Analytics and Data Visualization tools (Google Analytics, Matomo, PowerBI, Tableau, R Studio, Python, SQL) we build our work around data, and today every company has enough data to work on. 

1. Digital D2C audit


2. International business development


3. Marketplace business development


4. Interim management


5. Data visualization & Reporting templates


6. Multilingual texting and cultural proofing


Developing our own products for eCommerce


We’re building an Index to evaluate the Digital Maturity of the leading brands in several industries. The first edition one is covering the industry Beauty & Cosmetics, EU.

Available from S3 2025.

Pre-sale opening soon…

CARAM - The Newsletter Radar

Until today there was not a simple tool there to tell to us marketers, in 3 clicks, what newsletters have been sent by the competitors in a given time, how, in which style, at what hour.

Live from S1 2026.

Pre-sale opening soon…

Follow our web-series, the eComm Pills

Our goal is to make businesses more digital-ready.

We help small and medium companies to compete in today’s high-pace changing Retail Market.

That’s why we run a series on LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok.

Learn more about digital marketing, fast and for free.


Coaching for eCommerce individuals and teams​

We organise coaching sessions for 3 types of customer, remotely or in your office. 

  • eCommerce entrepreneurs
  • eCommerce & Digital teams
  • Management 1-to-1 trainings 


I will be your coach. With 10+ years of experience in eCommerce & Digital, studies in Sociology (University of Trento, Italy) and in Digital Marketing (IAE Sorbonne, France), additional trainings in Analytics and Design Thinking, and 6 spoken languages, I’ve developed the ability to understand quickly what’s needed and to train people on what will help them in their business.
Michele Matejka
About me
After a 10+yrs experience in Digital / eComm I’ve decided to become consultant. As employee I’ve worked on websites like,, I work with amazing experts from my network, getting each time the right one depending on the client’s needs. We are all Millennials, we worked always in Digital and we prefer results to powerpoints.  
I have worked or lived in 5 different linguistic regions, studied in Italian and French and I’ve been working with some amazing companies and people (like my manager in the Calida Group, my eComm “guru” Stefan Mues).  This all have taught me to quickly understand an eCommerce and brand platform, to identify the potential and weaknesses of a team, to act quickly and accordig to the company’s culture. After some companies asked me to help them, I’ve decided to start my own consulting business.
The clients
Our target group is made of small to medium size companies or entrepreneurs developing their D2C Omichannel Business, reaching already 1 to 15M€ eCommerce turnover. We work in close cooperation with the individual or with the team and build strong bonds with our clients.
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The eCommerce Agency

I’m Michele Matejka, I have a long experience with brands and shops making 7 or 8 figures on their digital DTC. Contact me if you need to make grow your sales. 

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